الخميس، 10 يونيو 2010

EV WORLD TELEVISON: Understanding Middle East Oil Dynamics ::

>>>>In this dinner talk, hosted by Toyota during the 2010 Sustainable Mobility Seminar, Dr. Peter Wells, who provides oil and gas production forecasting to the giant Japanese carmaker through his Dubai-based Neftex Petroleum Consulting, Ltd., briefs the assembled media guests on the religious and political dynamics that sway events in the Persian Gulf, specifically; and the larger Middle East, in general. In succession, he examines the roles of Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran in this world-impacting power play between the two largest sects of Islam, where while Sunnis constitute the majority of Moslem believers worldwide, it is the adherents of Shiism who are the majority population in the oil-producing region around the Persian Gulf. This is of immense concern to the Sunni-practicing Saudis, who consider themselves the guardians of Islam. Shi'ia power is growing, religiously and politically. He who controls the oil, not only controls a significant part of the world economy -- as long as all those cars, trucks, trains, planes and ships burn the stuff -- but also the hearts and minds of a billion Moslem believers. That's not power to be given up lightly or willingly.

Due to the length of his talk, we have divided it into five sections so that it can be archived on sites like YouTube. The sections are all in order, 1 through 5, and will appear in sequence in the Blip.tv player window above. Also feel free to copy and embed the video on your personal web page, Twitter account or Facebook. EV World expresses its appreciation to Toyota for inviting us to attend and record the Seminar and Dr. Well's presentation. >>>&gt


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